How to Take Care of a Newborn Kitten

Newborn Kitten

Newborn cats are weak and vulnerable. If the cat’s reproduction process is safe, we need to support the mother cat is enough. The mother nature of the cat will help a lot for kittens. But if unfortunately, the motherless or does not care for the kitten, you need to know the basics of how to adopt a newborn kitten. The main notes include feeding, how to feed young cats, and how to clean them.

How to Breed Newborn Cats

Once again, we remind you that a mother cat is significant for kittens. Try to keep the mother cat as healthy as possible after pregnancy. To be safe, you should take a pregnant mother, have an ultrasound at least one time, and consult a doctor.

A kitten is a cat in adolescence. After being born, kittens depend entirely on their mother for survival, and they usually do not open their eyes until 7 to 10 days after birth.

If you have other pets in the house, keep them away from the cat litter. Nor should strangers hang around that area. Pay attention to nutritional supplements for mothers before and after birth. This time the mother cat needs a lot of energy. But the cat was fragile at birth, unable to walk. Moreover, it did not dare to leave the herd and go away.

Newborn Kitten

During the ten days after birth, the kitten is entirely dependent on the mother cat. From teaching your child to eat, teach him to open his eyes, teach him to drink milk, clean him, etc. Do not try to approach newborn cats. The first is that they are very immature and vulnerable. The second is the vigilance of the mother cat at this time. It can ultimately attack you or take the kitten away.

During the first three weeks, the vigilance of the mother cat will gradually decrease. However, it is essential to avoid contact with strangers, especially kittens, as far as possible. Newborn cats have not been vaccinated, posing many risks of infectious diseases. Please pay attention to clean hands before and after carrying them. Don’t let the kitten eat or drink anything before weaning.

Around 6 to 8 weeks of age, the mother cat begins to wean the kitten. By 8 to 12 weeks of age, you can leave the kitten separated from its mother. At this time, you need to take both mother and baby to vaccinate dangerous diseases in cats. These include leukopenia, infectious disease, and respiratory disease.

If this time you separate the kittens from a separate place (with another owner), the new owner needs to create a friendly and safe space for them. New kittens may become nervous and frightened, but if you actively cuddle and get close, they’re quick to return to normal.

Newborn Kitten

How to Take Care of Kittens no Longer Motherless

If kitten motherless back after giving birth, try to pair the kitten with another newborn mother. First, make the “new soldier smell” similar to the mother cat. Use the cat’s litter pad or fur or urine on the kitten. Keep new cats (in the litter) out of the reach of the mother cat. Reassure the mother if she is acting abnormally. However, do not try more than three times. Avoid cases where a mother cat actively attacks a kitten.

If you see a stray kitten, the first thing is to check if it still has a mother or not? Patiently observe the kitten for some time, unless it is in danger (an accident).

If you find some kittens that you think have been abandoned or separated from their mothers, look at them from a distance of about 10 meters to see if the mother cats have returned. (Source:

Take Care Of Kittens No Longer Motherless

When you are sure the kitten has lost the herd, consider the following factors: the kitten’s age, its health status, the ability to return to the mother. If too small or too sick, contact the nearest veterinary facility. You are not the best option for kittens right now.

In daily life, caring for kittens, not too difficult. We hope this article can partially solve your problem.

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